
There are many ways to start reducing your escalating debt that are not a Part 9 or Part 10 Debt Agreement, or bankruptcy which come with a range of negative consequences (more on those later). One of the alternatives is a service called Solve my Debt Now, which may assist with reducing your debts and avoiding a Part 9 or Part 10 Debt Agreement, or bankruptcy.

What is Solve My Debt Now?

Imagine you’re in a boat. It springs a leak. Water begins flooding in. You try to plug the leak, but water keeps spilling through. You start baling, but water is coming in faster than you can get it out. You realise this can only end one way…

Suddenly, though, the coast guard appears. Expert sailors board your vessel. Drawing on their years of experience, they help you fix the damaged hull. The water stops entering. But the sailors know there’s still work to be done. So, they show you how to methodically pump the water out of your boat. And, for good measure, they guide you back to port.

Solve My Debt Now may be like a financial coast guard for stricken Australian consumers.

If you’re eligible to use Solve My Debt Now, caring staff will work closely with you to find a long-term solution to your current debt problem.

Solve My Debt Now provides a holistic debt relief solution that can be an alternative to immediate insolvency or bankruptcy.

Our debt relief solution aims to achieve any or all of the following outcomes for you:

  • Negotiating with creditors to reduce or waive your debt based on your current circumstances.
  • Negotiating with creditors to reduce or suspend your interest payments.
  • Where successful, avoid leaving a 5-year black mark on your credit file in contrast to the outcome of a part 9 debt agreement or bankruptcy filings.
  • Minimises your contact with creditors wherever possible.
  • Setting up payment plans with your creditors within your estimated budget to make paying back your debts manageable over time.

Want to Solve Your Debt? Let us Help – Today

The Solve My Debt Now team are experienced, non-judgemental professionals who work to prepare tailored solutions for our clients. Book your FREE Consultation now and talk to one of our qualified SMDN Advocates to see if we can help.

We can only assist you if you reside in Australia